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Colleen Shannon Sexy Photoshoot For 138 Water. All ever existed nude pictures and nude videos of Colleen Shannon

Colleen Shannon Sexy Photoshoot For 138 Water. Colleen Shannon naked

Colleen Shannon Sexy Photoshoot For 138 Water
9 pictures Released Nov 21, 2014 Viewed 1577 times

Colleen Shannon boobs, nice ass shots, photoshoot. The sultry Colleen Shannon did a steamy photo shoot for 138 Water in a small white bikini in Beverly Hills. In most of the pictures she is wearing a top and bottom that show off her incredible yum yums and tight curvy booty. But then there are the covered topless shots where we get to see maximum sideboob. Sweet mother of crap this girl has got some outrageous jugs. They are very motorboatable. Yes, I know that is not a word, but it should be. The pictures also display the rest of her amazing body. Her abdomen is ridiculously toned and tight. Many hot women think that a pretty face and large boobs are enough to make you maximally sexy. Not so. It's important to make everything nice and tight like Colleen does. Just look at those legs and thighs. There is nary a jiggle there, my friends. I respect 138 Water for there gratuitous use of hot chicks to sell their water. They realize that every product is made better with the addition of sexy ladies.

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