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Cristina Rinaldi is an Italian actress and model, who frequently appears nude in Italian magazines. Cristina Rinaldi’s naked photo spreads have cemented her popularity in Italy.
Actress - filmography: "Donna per amico 2, Una" (1999) (mini) TV Series, Dangerous Beauty (1998) .... Courtesan,
also titled The Honest Courtesan (UK) (USA: working title), also titled A Destiny of Her Own (Australia), Gratta e vinci (1996), Fermo posta Tinto Brass (1995) Ivana, also titled P.O. Box Tinto Brass (International: English title), Kreola (1993) Iris, Abbronzatissimi (1991) Prostituta
, Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1990) (uncredited) A Girl, Lupo di mare, Il (1987)
Notable TV Guest Appearances, "Linda e il brigadiere" playing "Luisa" in episode: "Padre e figlia" (episode # 1)