Checkout latest full video of nude Linni Meister free. Linni Meister nude body videos and nude pictures exposed.
One of the most popular and in demand models in Norway, is without a doubt: Linn Irene Meister.
This blonde bombshell- sweetheart is most affectionally called "Linni" by her Norwegian fans, a name that has stuck by her since she was a child.
Linni is part Sri Lankan and part Norwegian, something that gives her a unique and exotic look, that clearly sets her apart from other glamour models in Norway.
She measures a slight 165 cm and her sweet voice and comfortable personality, makes everyone sure that beneath her beautiful exterior, there is also a heart of gold!
Her beautiful face and charismatic charm has made her the favourite of Norwegian FHM's High Street Honeys, and also landed her a recurring gig with her own FHM column; "Ask Linni", since 2007.